The fee for labor support services is $400.00. A $150.00 non-refundable deposit is required at the signing of the contract with the remaining $250.00 due three weeks prior to your estimated due date or at the birth if labor occurs prior to 37 weeks.
Two In Home Prenatal ConsultationsDuring our first visit the childbirth process will be discussed, paying special attention to your options and the pros and cons of common interventions. Handouts will be provided on a variety of topics according to your interest. At our second visit I can assist you in creating a birth plan to share with your healthcare providers regarding your preferences. Also at this visit your childbirth philosophy is discussed in depth to clarify your wishes so that I may serve you in the way that you desire.
Unlimited Prenatal Support Do you need more information about group betastrep? Is the baby breech and you want some ideas on how to make him turn? I am available during business hours to provide you with additional sources of information on a variety of topics. Remember to please keep after hours calls for labor only. Back-up Doula Available In the unlikely event that I will be unable to attend your birth I have back-up arrangements with two other doulas. If a possible conflict is known ahead of time, you are welcome to speak to both of them by phone.
Unlimited Telephone Support During Early Labor Some mothers have long periods of early labor, even lasting days, and need reassurance that what she is feeling is normal. She many need the comfort measures of a warm shower, a light meal and a walk instead of full labor support but doesn't know what to do. I am available by phone to help. Please call as soon as you suspect you may be in labor. Early phone contact gives me ample time to get my family settled and can greatly reduce my response time.
Physical, Emotional, and Informational Support I will meet you at the location of your choosing, at home or your desired birth location, when you feel full spectrum labor support is necessary. I require a minimum of one hour plus drive time. Physical Support I provide massage, counter pressure, hot/cold packs in addition to the suggestion of and support in various positions for labor and birth . Emotional Support I come to you with the strength and knowledge of woman. I know that birth is hard and you may be fearful. I bring encouragement, affirmations, and guided imagery to help emotionally support the mother. The presence of a doula to provide physical support can free the partner to provide the emotional support that only they can. Informational Support Sometimes during labor things deviate from what was originally expected and interventions need to be discussed. I can provide the mother and her partner with unbiased information regarding the risks, benefits, and alternatives to many of the common interventions.
My Present Open it It's Dora & Boots
Huh? Milkshake Mixes? Cool! A Milkshake maker!
Tea Party? Tea Party? Harry Potter Game! Thanks!
A new baby! Now I'm like Mommy! See, I grew a new baby!
A jewelry box...... and a watch to put in it. I got a baby too.